The Forgotten Aspects in Managing Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Disease does not develop spontaneously and the patients rarely have total recovery. But thanks to the progress of medical science, many chronic disease patients can live longer, but it is still uncertain whether such patients have a good quality of life. The survivors usually have the emotional baggage. They need special care and attention to lighten their emotional burden. These psychological aspects are often forgotten by the health service officers. The most common emotional burden is depression. Researchers found that patient with chronic disease would be stressed and depressed and the depression will trigger patient to suffer from the chronic disease. It is just like an evil cycle.
The main cause of mental health disorders is still unknown but there are several factors that can increase the risk of mental health disorders. The Center for Chronic Disease (CDC) found the following factors that may trigger mental disorders in chronic disease patients :
Mental Health |
Chronic Disease |
Risk Factors |
Modified Risk Factors |
Unmodified Risk Factors |
Family Medical History |
Bad eating style |
Age |
Stressed Life |
Less physical activities |
Family Medical History |
Suffer from Chronic disease |
Smokers |
Traumatic Experience |
Excessive alcohol consumption |
Drugs User |
Social Surroundings |
Child Abuse |
Financial Status |
No social support |
It might seem very serious, but in fact mental health can be maintained. Health officers, families and patients can use many strategies to physically and mentally support the better work environment so that patients can have a better quality of life. The main target of better quality life program can be on the Modified Risk Factors such as smoking, less physical activities, poor nutrition.
Health officer should pay attention to the patients’ mental health. According to the Indian Journal of Nephrology, there are some psychological guidelines for health workers to deal with patients with chronic kidney disease.
First patient has to be informed all the medical procedures. It is important to clearly explain the information to the patients since the medical procedures might trigger the negative feelings such as fear, anxiety, bewilderment and irritation. Being well informed patients can get more involved in the treatment from the very beginning.
Second, according to The Indian Society of Nephrology, the diagnose of chronic kidney d can cause some emotional reaction that raise the following impacts :

Third, the medical officer should educate patients about the disease and its treatment, facilitate them with anything according to their tradition and culture, get social support from their families and friends, and also motivate patients; so they could be independent to take care, manage, monitor and encourage themselves.

- Provide information about medical history, its treatment and also diet
- Provide alternative options about medication and treatment
- Help patients with their daily problems such as medication and nutrition
- Help patients to state their feeling and communicate it effectively.
- Help patients to be more self confident
- Be the informal support for the patients and their families.
- CDC Workplace Health Promotion Depression (
- CDC Mental Health Overview (
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Stress at Work (
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) - Workplaces That Thrive: A Resource for Creating Mental Health-Friendly Work Environments by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (
- Baum A, Taylor S.E, & Singer JE (Eds). Handbook of psychology and health. Vol 4 Social psychological aspects of health. 1984. Hillsdale NJ: Earlbaum
- Brannon L, Feist J. Health Psychology. An introduction to behaviour and health. 4th edition. 2000. Wadsworth Australia.
- Edwards, S, Davis, P.(1997) Counseling children with chronic medical conditions. Communication and Counseling in Health Care Series.130:56-79.
- Grumke J, King K. Missouri Kidney Program. Patient Education Program – a 10 year review. Dialysis and Transplantation 1994;9:978-87
- Hoeger WWK, Turner LW, Hafen BQ. Wellness guidelines for a healthy life-style.3rd Edition, 2002, Wadsworth, Australia.
- K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic Kidney Disease: Evaluation, Classification, and Stratification. 2002;39(2), Suppl 1: 161-9.
- Taylor S. Health Psychology. 1995 McGraw-Hill Inc. New York